Dein eigenen Style finden

Find your own style

Find my style

Style is much more than just wearing the latest fashion trends - it is an expression of your personality and a reflection of your inner values. But not everyone of us is a fashion fanatic who loves to leaf through magazines, create new looks or search for the perfect outfit on endless shopping trips. The great thing about it is that being well-dressed does not require a passion for fashion or hours of shopping. Sometimes a good sense of what suits you is enough. But what if you don't have that sense? No problem! Don't be afraid to ask someone for help.

Find your style

One of the best ways to discover your own style is to try things out. Have you seen that one top that you really like but aren't sure if it suits you? Just try it on! Experimenting with different items of clothing is part of it, even if it sometimes leads to fashion mistakes. But it's precisely from these mistakes that we learn - they are an important part of your personal style development.

The right outfit

Good style doesn't just mean knowing what suits you, but also what doesn't. If you've found the right thing and combined it well, and if you have a healthy, loving attitude towards yourself, then you're unbeatable.

Clothing as a reflection of your personality

Your clothes reflect your personality traits. If the two don't match, you feel uncomfortable. If they do match, it boosts your self-confidence. If you can't find your own style, you often feel insecure, which is reflected in your behavior and may give others the wrong impression.

Historically, clothing was closely linked to the status and personality of the wearer. Today, fashion says even more about a person's individual values. Clothing allows us to draw conclusions about our activities, preferences and interests.

Tips for your individual style

There are no limits when it comes to developing your own style. However, it makes sense to focus on your own interests and not blindly follow current trends. Because only if you stay true to yourself can you create authentic, strong visual worlds.

Here are some tips to help you find your individual style:

  1. Your three best qualities: Ask yourself and the people close to you which three qualities best describe you. For example, are you more reserved or open-minded?
  2. Visual vision: Think about what someone who embodies these characteristics looks like. What does someone who is open-minded and approachable, for example, look like.
  3. Your previous look: Take a photo of yourself in front of the mirror a few days after getting dressed. What does your outfit say about you? Do you wear a lot of grey and dark colours even though you are actually a happy and open person? Then it doesn't fit together and doesn't reflect your true characteristics.
  4. Framework conditions: Also consider your living circumstances and preferences. What areas of your life do you work in? For example, are you a working mom or do you have to assert yourself in a male-dominated field?
  5. Define clothing items: Think about which items of clothing represent your characteristics. For example, a soft, fluffy sweater represents approachability. A floral blouse can express joy, while corduroy appears harder than silk. Colorful clothing stands out more than solid-colored pieces.

By following these steps, you can find your own authentic style. Dare to experiment and be bold in your clothing choices - this way you will find your way to a style that really suits you and makes you shine.

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